Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Approach to Haccombe

The House that currently stands at Haccombe was rebuilt in 1775 with a later victorian addition of a wing on the left west side of the house. It is thought that there has been a house on the site since the manor was given to Stephen de Haccombe after 1066 as a reward from William.  There are no detailed records of earlier houses, other than a house being rebuilt at the restoration in 1660; but one can imagine from the ballad a great medieval Hall. The House was sold in 1942 by Sir Thomas Carew and is now divided into flats, ending nearly 900 years of occupation by the Carews and their ancestors.

The Devonshire Ballad attributed to Haccombe, with the main actors being Sir Arthur Champernowne and Sir George Carew, Earl of Totnes is thrown into doubt due to a number of factors. Firstly Sir George Carew was born after the dissolution of the monastries in 1555 and being a protestant gentleman was unlikely to say "Ave Maria's" Hail Mary's as described in the ballad, on winning his wager and returning to St Blaise Haccombe church. Secondly, Tor Abbey cannons surrendered to Henry VIII's commissioner in 1539 and most of the Abbey was demolished; so would not have been an Abbey in the time of Sir George. Thirdly although Sir Arthur was born in 1524 he did not obtain Dartington Hall until 1554 with some commentators stating 1559 and Sir George would have only been four years old in 1559. This leaves a window of time of 1554/9 to 1578 when Sir Arthur died; if the wager did occur it would have been with a very young Sir George and an ageing Sir Arthur both being protestant. The story or ballad is likely to be a legend with an element of truth of a wager between a Champernowne and a Carew. It is thought locally that the ballad involves my ancestor Sir Nicholas Carew who died in 1469 and another Champernowne probably from Modbury. The Horse shoes are fitted to 17th century church doors, although they could have been refitted from earlier doors; and horse shoes were used to ward off witches and evil spirits. This does not deminish the ballad being a good Devon tale about two 16th century Knights and giving insight into their lives.

The Earl of Totnes

The feast was over at Haccombe Hall
And the wassail bowl had been served to all,
When the Earl of Totnes rose from his place
And the chanters came in to say the grace.
But scarce was ended the holy rite
When there stepped from the crowd a valiant knight;
His armour bright and his visage brown,
His name was Sir Arthur Champernowne.
"Good Earl of Totness I've brought with me

Stephen de Haccombe

My fleetest courser of Barbary;
And whether good or ill betide,
A wager with thee I mean for to ride."
"No Barbary courser do I own,
But I have," quoth the Earl, "a Devonshire roan;
And I'll ride for a wager by land or by sea,
The roan 'gainst the courser of Barbary."
"'Tis done," said Sir Arthur, "already I've won;
And I'll stake my manor of Dartington
'Gainst Haccombe Hall and its rich domain."
So the Earl of Totnes the wager has ta'en.
"To horse! To horse!" resounds through the hall,
Each warrior's horse is led from its stall;
And with gallant train over Milburn Down
Ride the bold Carew and the Champernowne.
And when they come to the Abbey of Tor,
The abbot came forth from the western door,
And much he prayed them to stay and dine;
But the earl took nought but a goblet of wine.
Sir Arthur he raised the bowl on high
And prayed to the Giver of Victory;
Then drank success to himself in the course,
And the sops of the wine he gave to his horse.
Away they rode from the Abbey of Tor
Till they reached the inlet's curving shore;
The earl plunged first in the foaming wave,
And was followed straight by Sir Arthur the brave.
The wind blew hard and the waves beat high,
And the horses strove for the mastery;
Till Sir Arthur cried, "Help, thou bold Carew!
Help, if thou art a Christian true!
"O save for the sake of that lady of mine
Good Earl of Totnes, the manor is thine!
The Barbary courser must yield to the roan,
And thou art the Lord of Dartington."
The Earl his steed began to restrain,
And he seized Sir Arthur's horse by the rein;
He cheered him by words and gave him his hand,
And brought Sir Arthur safe to land.
Then Sir Arthur, with sickness and grief opprest,
Lay down in the abbey chambers to rest;
But the earl he rode from the Abbey of Tor
Straight forward to Haccombe chapel door.
And there he fell on his knees and prayed
And many an "Ave Maria" said;
Bread and money he gave to the poor,
And he nailed the roan's shoes to the chapel door.
George Carew Totnes, earl of; born 5/29/1555 (d3/27/1629), English
soldier, administrator and antiquary noted for his service in Ireland
during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
"The Earl of Totnes", a Devonshire ballad. In V. Day Sharman, _Folk Tales
of Devon. _

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